Monday, September 27, 2010

All in the Family: Tim and Bob Tebow

This week, I decided I should look at the root of Tim Tebow's deep religious foundation: his parents. More specifically, the role his father plays in the church. Bob Tebow is an Evangelical missionary who has spent a large majority of his adult life traveling the world, preaching his faith. He runs the Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association (BTEA), which has been serving the Philippines since 1985 (not surprisingly, Tim was conceived and born in the Philippines in 1987). The BTEA's mission is based on five areas: evangelism, church planting, pastor training, an orphanage, and the training of the next generation of evangelists.

While this foundation is continuing to expand in the Philippines (seemingly quite successfully), Bob Tebow has taken his preaching to the great state of Colorado, home of the Denver Broncos and now-third-string quarterback Tim Tebow. This past week while at my internship at CBS 4 in Denver, I came across an article on the station's website about Bob's visit. I found it interesting that Bob was quoted saying that while football is a huge part of Tim's life, his real focus in life is helping spread the word of God. Not that I should have been surprised, but when you are drafted into the NFL in the FIRST ROUND, you would think that football would take a bigger priority. Apparently not so for Tim, which is why he is such an enigma and "icon" for so many around the country. Bob and Pam Tebow are currently on a tour of 3,500 schools around the country preaching that students should gather around the school's flagpole and pray for 30 minutes before school starts. Uh....really? While their journey is admirable, I just don't see students doing this. Even further, what is the purpose of the flagpole? Seems like it's representing an icon.

On a side note. Looking back to one of my earlier posts, I have watched two of the Broncos' games (I was at the game yesterday) and have yet to see any of the ads Focus on the Family was supposed to be running. Am I wrong?

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