Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tim Tebow to publish memoir

It's not everyday a 23-year old can publish a memoir about his/her life and expect it to be a best seller. But such is the life of Tim Tebow, the most publicized football player in ages. Harper Collins announced that it signed a book deal with Tebow. The book, entitled Through My Eyes, will examine Tebow's life growing up with missionary parents and how he works to keep faith in his life every day. The book is supposed to be a journey through Tebow's life, examining every step he's taken and allowing him an opportunity to analyze and reflect on what he has gone through.

I find this situation a little ridiculous. I'm a Tebow fan, but how much can a 23-year old know at that age? I'm only a year younger than Timmy and have had plenty of my own experiences, but you don't see me publishing a book. However, I think what really drives the inspiration for this text is religion. It is not meant to be read as a prophesy, but rather Tebow's exploration of his life as it relates to his religion. This is why media is amazing. It allows anyone to convey anything in any way he/she wishes. Furthermore, Tebow is using a full-length text version to do so, which is now somewhat non-traditional. The advent of Facebook, Twitter and increased TV viewing have diminished the role that true written work has taken in society. The fact that Tebow is using it with religious connotations is also striking because religion has adapted to societal changes. But I do think the book will be a hit, no matter how bizarre and early in Tebow's career it is.

Link to Harper Collins' book description.

Through My Eyes

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Friar Tuck

I was thinking about what to write this week, when I realized that I had not addressed one Tim Tebow related situation. During the Broncos preseason camp, all rookie players are hazed to some degree. Some players have to perform skits, others have to carry extra pads after practice and the higher-paid rookies have to take the entire offense/defense out to dinner (Dez Bryant of the Dallas Cowboys disrespected veteran wide receiver Roy Williams during preseason and took the entire offense and most of the defense to dinner. His bill came to over $50,000). What was Tim Tebow's hazing? A well-crafted Friar Tuck look-a-like haircut.

I have to admit, this is pretty funny. The chin-strap beard makes it even better. Couldn't you picture him with a brown robe on praying? Obviously, the haircut has to do with how religious Tebow is; however, I did some research and found a blog in the Washington Post by Elizabeth Tenety. She describes what such a haircut means in Hinduism, Orthodox Christianity, Catholicism, and Buddhism. I had no idea that some so simple as your hair could actually symbolize something greater. I'm sure none of the Broncos players had any idea about this and why should they? Clearly, they were not doing this out of malice. However, this incident shows how even the slightest ignorance toward another religion/culture can cause controversy.